A History of Killer Instinct
Season 1
Table of Contents
- Patch 1.1: "Quality of Life Patch #1"
- Patch 1.2: "The Spinal Patch"
- Patch 1.3: "Quality of Life Patch #2"
- Patch 1.4: "Quality of Life Patch #3"
- Patch 1.5: "The Fulgore Patch"
Patch notes for each patch in Season 1 are below. The game launched on November 22, 2013 alongside the Xbox One itself, and received 5 patches before Double Helix, Season 1's developer, was acquired by Amazon and work transferred to Iron Galaxy Studios for Season 2.
Patch 1.1: "Quality of Life Patch #1" - Jan 4, 2014 (discussion)
- Character rotation has been added. Sabrewulf is the new free character, replacing Jago.
- Players will now have access to play regardless of what USB port they plug into.
- Sign-in changes via KINECT will no longer erase save-data.
- Players will be able to disable toasts from the option menu (under display options)
- COLOR #5 PROPERLY UNLOCKS (NOTE: Players who have accomplished these tasks prior to launch will now be awarded retroactively)
- TRAINING MODE ICON UNLOCKED (NOTE: If you have completed all the tasks required to unlock the costume, the TRAINING ICON will retroactively be unlocked.)
- Character Select option added to the pause screen of local versus
- Command List corrected and updated
- Game will now pause when the controller for player 2 is removed
- Accessory menu screens updated and patched
- Added access to the MELD from the pause screen
- Replays library will be cleared since executable has been updated to a new version number
- Jago’s equipped accessories now display properly while in dojo mode.
- Privilege check has been moved into the Xbox Live menu so non-gold members can view leaderboards
- General fixes have been implemented to ensure the proper user-flow for people wanting to play exhibition matches with friends.
- RANK events (Rank-up/Rank-down), display notifications to both players prior to the start of the match.
- The rank point distribution method has been updated. Please see the chart below [graphic lost - Infil] for the updated system.
- There were several instances where SHADOW MOVES we’re un-breakable after performing an instinct.-mode cancel With the current fix, SHADOW MOVES will be fully intractable after an instinct-mode cancel.
- Players can now adjust block height during instinct mode activation to prevent unblockables.
- There were several instances where certain moves labeled as “ENDERS” where unbreakable .
- Jago’s Endokuken is now classified as an OPENER, when used in the beginning of combos.
- Shadow Eclipse now scales properly if used as an OPENER.
- LEVEL-3 eclipse ENDER has been corrected to hit the opponent after performing a JUMPING SLASH
- Shadow Hail will now have the same hit properties as an OPENER.
- None
- HP /Shadow version of Widow’s bite is now categorized as OPENER.
- Category correction for the first (2) hits of ICHI NI SAN.
- Damage scaling correction on UPPER FIRECAT
Patch 1.2: "The Spinal Patch" - Jan 31, 2014 (discussion)
- Spinal character and his accessory sets are now available for ULTRA EDITION and COMBO BREAKER PACK owners.
- Meld will now greet you each time you start up Killer Instinct to highlight any updates or news!
- Introducing a novel solution to rage quitters in Ranked Match: JAIL
- The first time your disconnect percentage goes above 15 percent you go to JAIL
- A 10 match minimum is required
- JAIL lasts for 24 hours. During this time you can only be matched against other JAIL members
- Each time you go to JAIL the amount of time increases by 24 hours (capped at 5 days – 120 hrs)
- While in JAIL your profile icon will be automatically changed to a custom JAIL icon to let you know you are in JAIL
- When your JAIL time is up, you go back into the public again (even if your disconnect percentage is back over 15%)
- However, when back in public, if you disconnect and you are still above 15 percentage you go directly back to JAIL
- For any match that sends you to JAIL, player will take a loss
- Players now have the ability to quickly reset their character positioning by using the commands below while in PRACTICE MODE
- View + Menu – Reset both characters back to the starting locations in the center of the stage
- View + Menu + Left – Reset both characters on the left side of the stage
- View + Menu + Right – Reset both characters on the right side of the stage
- Players will now be able to press “Y” to see the top rank of that specific leaderboard.
- Fixed an issue where users would hear audio distortion during ULTRA COMBO sequences.
- Several issues have been fixed to make sure that the AI will react accurately towards the settings of the player.
- Ranked search will now properly search for the ranks nearest to your rank, then slowly expand its ranked search range over 1 min.
- Fixed an issue when you tried to join an invite and it would fail because it was waiting for you to leave your previous session.
- Fix spelling errors in “Journeyman” and “Baller” Rank Title graphics.
- Fixed hosting an Exhibition Match while player rank was above 20.
- Potential Rank Up / Rank Down messages will no longer stay on the screen if the opponent disconnects during the match.
- Fixed post-match screen showing incorrect win/loss in Exhibition Match.
- Ranking bar animation on loss has been fixed, and will now properly display.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to perform a Shadow Endokuen without using meter.
- Tracking properties of OVERPOWER (Back + Heavy Punch) will no longer auto correct if the opponent jumps over Sabrewulf.
- None
- None
- Fix to web ball causing a blowout reaction during ultra if opponent was already above 100 KV.
- Fix to Shadow Itch – Ni – San getting broken when used as an opener in certain cases.
Patch 1.3: "Quality of Life Patch #2" - Feb 20, 2014 (discussion)
- All “Jail” stats have been RESET aka “clean slate”
- Fix to bug where BOTH players would go to jail on disconnect
- Adjusted percentage rate for match disconnects that will cause the user to be sent to jail.
- Users no longer lose points when losing a match in Survival Mode
- Fixed an issue where progression data would not save. All user data, items acquired, etc. should now save properly.
- Potential Fix for Ultra audio glitch (may still happen and needs more investigation).
- If you perform an ULTRA COMBO in-game, you automatically win the match. Players who disconnected while their opponents perform a match-winning ULTRA COMBO, will take a loss on their win/loss stats.
- Fixed an issue where players would soft-lock on the character/stage loading screen. This issue has been resolved.
- The character select option from “Replays” has been removed.
- Fix for Spinal teleport causing crash/ de-sync in corner against back dashing opponents.
- Fix to manuals being unbreakable after using the dive kick as an opener
- Fix to counter breakers not being accessible when using a divekick as an opener.
- Fix to second Spinal divekick snapping to ground if you do it while opponent is still in reaction from first dive kick
- Fix bug with Spinal skeleport linker not crossing up correctly
Patch 1.4: "Quality of Life Patch #3" - Mar 4, 2014 (discussion)
- Players will now be able to save their favorite character-specific customizations to specific colors.
- Players who do not own the Combo/Ultra bundles can now purchase their characters from the character select screen.
- XBOX Live renamed to “Multiplayer”
- Leaderboards now located on the main menu
- If you receive game/match invites prior to the “downloading content” screen, players will be prompted AFTER the check-in.
- The replay functionality has now been updated and fixed.
- Match stats now correctly if a match results in a DRAW when playing online.
- Ranked “Most Well Rounded” win ration column has now been fixed to show correct data.
- Message: PLEASE READ We are aware of the existing issue where the game is returning players to the Xbox dashboard (after downloading the patch), and we are looking into a solution for this and will update here for any posts to help resolve the issue. Thank you very much for your patience.
Character Changes
- None
Patch 1.5: "The Fulgore Patch" - April 9, 2014 (discussion)
- Fulgore, a new playable character, has been added to the roster.
- Online lobbies have been added to the game.
[Unfortunately, the rest of the notes for this patch were either not released or have been lost. If you know a place that has archived the patch notes, please contact me! - Infil]